Potatoe Skins

I wanted to share this.

I went to Sams a while back and bought a box of potatoe skins (thinking: wow, easy and quick) nope, easy, quick, and expensive for nothing.

I usually do this now with a whole bag of med potatoes.

wash potatoes (leaving the skins on)
poke with a few holes
toss in a bowel with olive oil and sprinkle lightly with sea salt.

Next lay these right on the oven racks and put a cookie sheet on the bottom rack to catch any drips (since I love to clean ovens)

In about 45min (med) 400 degrees (poke with a fork to make sure tender) take them out.

Now if you plan your meals like I do, I will use about 4 of these for dinner as baked potatoes and let the others cool. Put cooled potatoes in a bag and store in fridge.
(now if you are in a hurry you can do it all in one day. But I am usually got four other things going on. They also can last about a week)

The next day. I cut each potatoe in half long ways and take a melon baller (a spoon if you don't have one) and scoop out leaving about 1/2 inch.
Next cut the potatoe in two or three sections depending how large you want them. Lay them on a sheet pan spaced out and slip into the freezer. When they are frozen, take them out. I will portion them into a freezer bag. I also put them in bag and then into an icecream bucket.(keeps them less likely to get smooshed)

Now they are ready anytime to make potatoe skins

Potaoe Skins

take out frozen skins
toss in bowl with olive oil
lay on sheet pan ( I again put parchement paper or foil with Pam spray on it, cause I just love scubbing pans)
sprinkle with garlic powder
Bacon Bits ( I buy the real bacon bits an sautee them a bit to give them a crunch)
sprinkle with shredded cheddar cheese.

bake till bubbly..

Serve with sour cream to dip

Now what do to with the insides.. Sometimes I make potatoe salad with it. Save it and make a lumpy mashed garlic potatoes

I hope this is handy for someone. My kids and family all like snacks and they get real expensive. I like to help when I can.
Let me know if you try it and how it worked for you..

I would love any comments..

Keep your eyes out for the next post.... Got a new idea for personal pizzas.. quick and better than the frozen in the store at less the cost..


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