Beware Life is Only Getting better around here..... I am now starting my early hunt for Christmas presents.. If only I could keep myself from giving them away. I have to learn self control. My mother used to say, Christmas is everyday, I get presents everyday also, so it is really hard to find something that I truly need. I use everything until it is old and abused. Just when it is ready to retire, someone, somewhere is donating another one to me. Gosh, I figure I am recycling and what a bargain. I have some of the best friends and family in the world. I think that I am one of the lucky ones.
I guess I need to get back to introducing you to my family. My family and I live in the state of Georgia. I really like where we live, we are fortunate enough to have a nice home, (a little packed, can you guess who the pack rat is), and a nice neighborhood for my two children to grow up in. The simple things are usually the sweetest. My husband is terrific, and I am sure he sometimes wonders why he took a ticket for this carnival ride, that he can't escape from. But over all he's a good sport. My son brings home anything thats alive animal wise and I collect people in the same manner. Boy could I fascinate you with the collection of friends and acquaintances I have made over the years. Names withheld.. to protect..
My two children are both sweet and kindhearted down deep, but mean and nasty on the top. Just joking. I can assure you that no one will ever take advantage of them. They have learned to really love and appreciate the true things and to separate the bad. They will with the Grace of God conquer the world. I have taught them well. Mini-me..
On that note my first born is my daughter, and she is slowly turning into me. A scarey thought. I really think that by the time I get her into college she will rule the world and all around her. She is a real go getter. Very good in school, naturally. Very, Very selective on who she is friends with, unlike her mother who would befriend the homeless and give away her valuables. My daughter is so kind, and so endearing, always was a layed back kinda kid. Very protective of her brother and family. On the outside she can dominate a situation in a snap when she wants to. Gets what she wants and can even figure out how to get it without casualties. Does that sound like I have taught her well. She has a very deep regard for family and her friends. She is an unconditional kinda kid. Gosh, I would say she is growing into a very lovely woman. I am very proud to call her my daughter and my friend. I know she will read this, and I will have to live with her joking with me for saying all this goooshy stuff. But thats okay.
My time is short, the kids are all watching me, So for now. Beware of Life and remember BLOG... Catch you soon for my next edition. Next time I will share with you a short look at my son. Believe me it will take a full page.. Everyone take care, Your heart feels no distance or time, so always keep in touch, and it will be just like yesterday that we talked...


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