Trip to the Dentist

Hey to everyone.. Just thought it was time that I share a life story with you... As I step up on my soap box...nahhhh...
A few weeks back, I went to the dentist, to get my two root canals. Now get you this, I just love the internet, you can research anything and everything. So be sure that I researched the "root canal"by the time I was finished I could imagine myself one big toothless mess, living under a rock, or the first ever case of "root canal" induced coma. Don’t worry I don’t ever need to hear anyone’s horror stories, I do really well scaring myself.
As I prepared myself mentally, I woke up to get dressed and ready for the day. I took a bath, shaved my legs, put on clean new undies (saved those for the days I go out), all in case I scare myself into a coma, and the ambulance had to drag me off to God forbid, Douglas General, (closest one around, and it is such a place!) I also bought, get you this, a bag of those women’ big old pads for peeing, just in case I got to gagging and I didn’t wet my pants, since I am such a good professional at that, ( dag having those kids, really messed me up). I am also if I forgot to mention a big time gagger! Can barely brush my teeth without hurling my insides out. Well enough of that let me continue. You know I share these things cause I find them to bring great joy to hear the outcome of my great little visits.
As I arrive at the office, come to find out, I needed ID, well of course I could have been the root canal patient incognito, come on now, who wants a root canal. Anyway, I couldn’t fill out the paper work, I went up to the desk, in front of everyone, and I said, please don’t turn me away cause I will never get the nerve up to come back.. Big mouth me... I should have ran while I had the chance. Nope, there was a nurse in the back that remembered me from a week ago, (yes, I called and had a lengthy conversation over my plight, and what a big chicken I was. More or less, spilled my guts, no mystery left to me.) I never learn that maybe I am a little TOO MUCH INFORMATION, kinda person.
So the nurse came running up and said, I vouch for her, let her come back. Oh yea, now I am a celebrity for the root canal team.. where to run.. so I had to go.....
I was a nervous wreck, The doctor came at me with a Q-tip (yes, I am hanging my head while I write this) and I thought it was a needle. For those who know me, I hate them little buggers... Well now they know how much I hate them. Plus they knew my whole life before he even got the first shot in. I had to recap it all, nervous chatter, oh my I am such a mouth! Why God didn’t gift me with an off switch.
Any way they take a piece of rubber sheeting, and lay it over your mouth and kinda cut out where the teeth they are going to work on will be and then clamp it to the tooth, forming like a tent around the tooth, which was cool, cause nothing fell in your throat. Which triggers the gagging. Which in turn left me without wetting my pants ( a plus for the morning, go team!) Well I did really well, as he poked, prodded, numb, cleaned and fixed. This went on for an hour and ½. At some point at the end I felt like I had one of those gags with the rubber ball stuck in my mouth. It was really uncomfortable. But I made it through it all in one piece. And I am ready to do it again... I don’t think so, still gotta go back and get some pretty crowns. I feel so special....
On a serious note, you didn’t think I would forget to tell you what lesson I learned that day? Lesson learned this time...... I was so afraid, I prayed over and over for God to come to me and calm me. I searched my mind for prayers I remembered, I at one point was kinda getting ready to panic, because He wasn’t coming to me. Then I focused on remembering the crucifix that hangs in our church and suddenly I started to feel calmer and before I knew it, it was almost over. When the dentist finished he said, "Oh, I don’t think you need to have the other as a root canal, just a cavity, so on top of it all God let there only be one. As I humble myself to share this with everyone. I figured out that God is everywhere and yes at times he comes to you, but sometimes we forget to look inside ourselves, where God also lives, and that one of the most important things to remember is that we must sometimes be silent so that we may hear Him.
Well now that I have entertained you all, I feel much better, I guess I like sharing so that everyone can see that I am somewhat normal, just more verbal than some, but in the end God is in control in my life. And that I need to always remember that, I am never alone, He is always carrying me when I am such a big chicken.
Hope this entry finds all of you happy and healthy. Please always keep in touch. I will keep on adding some new entries. Gosh, I got lots of living to do, so I am sure I got lots of writing to do.
Catch everyone in a bit....


Anonymous said…
Hi !! I just found your blog from the frugal village...
I am delighted. You are so funny!! I have no doubt that you will be a published author once you send something in..

Best Wishes and thanks for the chuckle.

well being your friend and all...not surprised by your humor but I laughed soooo hard on this one. you know I worked in a dentist office and had to put those tents (really called rummer dam) on teeth so it was quite amusing to hear your fearful thoughts on the whole process. But anyway...thanks for the laughs...i hear it adds years to one life and you just added 2 hahahahahhahahaha!!!
keep up the good work
your friend and ole neighbor Janet
well being your friend and all...not surprised by your humor but I laughed soooo hard on this one. you know I worked in a dentist office and had to put those tents (really called rummer dam) on teeth so it was quite amusing to hear your fearful thoughts on the whole process. But anyway...thanks for the laughs...i hear it adds years to one life and you just added 2 hahahahahhahahaha!!!
keep up the good work
your friend and ole neighbor Janet
Anonymous said…
I liked your account of the dentist visit, I think you and I react the same way in the dentist chair :) I usually dig my nails into my hands so hard I have welt marks for a week. I had my 1st root canal in January 2006 and liked it so much I went back for another in February 2007. I have found that inner sense of calm in that dentist chair, usually right before I think I can't take anymore and I am going to have an anxiety attack. I pray for my guardian angel and I usually feel a warm sense of peace and I know I am not alone. For some reason in the dentist chair and driving in heavy snow prompts me to call for guidance. I forget to do this at other times in my life. I am on Frugal village too. See you there, Marie78

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