Green Tea Simple

Green Tea...

Has such a rap as being a wonder tea for losing weight, speeding up metabolism and such. I actually like the taste of it.
I used to buy it pre-made by the Arizona Tea Company. After awhile of splurging and buying a gallon. I started to wonder how that it stays good for more than a week if kept in fridge. HMMMMM....
So I bought a big box of green tea bags and I make two quarts at a time. Fresh, mine only really lasts about 3 maybe 4 days. It is usually gone before that.
It so much cheaper to buy the bags..I use 5 in a small pitcher, pour in about a quart of boiling water. Put a top on and leave for about 1/2 hour. Then I make it in a 2 quart pitcher. Pouring plain water to fill up the container. Add your sweetener of choice. If you use sugar, I would put it in the tea while it is steeping hot. I use sweetener and it is small and dissolves quickly.
I also sometimes, but in small bits of candied ginger in it while it is steeping. Ginger is a great anti-inflammatory.

I have a Keurig and I used it for the hot water. I actually have a small quart pitcher for my Keurig, in which I steep the water.

So for less than oh, a dollar I now have 2 quart  of refreshing tea.
Isn't it a really pretty color.

I wanted to share with you another simple way to keep from throwing those dollars out the window.

I also do this with regular tea too. If you feel adventurous, use 2 tzso passion tea bags, 3 green tea bags. fill a quart with boiling water and steep. Then in a 2 quart pitcher, add 2 cups of real lemon aide, 2 cups of water, then the tea steeping...chill and yummy...

Life is really just this enjoy


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