My Magical St Patrick's Day Dinner Corned Beef and Cabbage


An Irish Blessing for all:

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

My St Patrick's Day dinner. 

I first start with my grocery list.

>For nice hearty (make sure everyone gets enough) meal. I choose to cook 2 3-4 lbs corn beef.
>1 head of cabbage
>1 institutional can of potatoes (the reason I use these now are because I like boiled potatoes, but they seem to mushy for my meal. So I now, just drain these, season and throw in the oven)
>2 loaves of rye bread
>1 yellow mustard
>1 dark grain mustard.

So let us start this meal.

Corn beef,
I pull out the trusty crock pot. This year I put both in and it did just fine.
Open both corn beefs and lay in crock pot, I put about a 1/4 cup of water in the bottom, just to help start cooking. It makes a lot of it's own juices.
I cooked this on high, do not open it to peep too much. I cooked this for 7 hours.

Remove corn beef and wrap in foil.  I actually take mine and put weight on top of it, to compress it into a nicer piece of meat that cuts a little better.

I leave it in the foil until it is time to eat. You can if you want keep in a casserole dish, remove foil, and pour a bit of the crock pot juice on top and reheat in oven. I do not do this cause mine don't care if it is warm or cold.. They just like to it all....

After you remove the corn beef, I then wedge cut up the cabbage and put it into the crock pot full of the wonderful broth the corn beef left behind. Cover on high for about an hour. Stop and check break it up. Do not open it at all.

I love the traditional boiled potatoes, but with my family, it seems that mine always kinda get mushy. So I turned to an old time favorite. The little white potato in a can.
I use the institutional size can for my family. They like them left over and with the leftover potato and the corn beef, a little onion and you have a wonderful hash.

 I put parchment paper on the bottom. Keeps everyone from sticking. Then the potatoes with a little butter sprinkled about. A little garlic salt and paprika. Bake at least an hour at 350. Until crispy brown.

With that you have a meal. To round ours out, we use rye bread and mustard.
My husband actually puts everything on a sandwich. I try not to watch.

Just for curiosity sake:

 Just in case you were wondering what a giant institutional can of whole potatoes look like. Also I think I only paid, $5.20, for them.

Here is a picture of how many were actually in the can.

A finished complete meal. It was terribly yummy and plenty left over to make a hash with eggs for another meal. That is if my family stays out of the cornbeef. Might need a lock on my fridge.

So let me wish you the "Luck of the Irish"

From my home to yours...



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