July 15, 2013 Menu for July 15, Monday - July 20, Saturday

Menu, Menu, Menu.

This is the third week that I have created a menu to keep up with. It actually works, and keeps you from fretting over what to make for the next day. Although I need to create a list of easy meals (like a sub list) for those days when even a menu seems daunting.

For this week, breakfast and lunch is still about the same.
When school starts I will only have to feed myself and send a lunch for my husband. The kids will eat breakfast and lunch at school.

The Menu for this week is:

Monday  - Baked Chicken - stuffing - algratin potatoes - green beans - frenchs crunchy onions.

Tuesday - Twice stuffed pork and cheese potatoes - side salad

Wednesday - Chicken and Shrimp Alfredo. (not together, kids really don't like the shrimp)

Thursday -  Hot Dogs and Potato Wedges (always toss them with olive oil and put on parchment paper, a guarantee non-stick, perfect)

Friday - Chef Boy Ardee Raviolis
( I came from a large family and every now and again for a treat my mom would buy the institutional size can and we would just be so amazed. I do it every now and again, too. Just to keep the memories alive.)

Saturday - I am leaving this open, we are thinking cookout.. I am thinking fresh corn on the cobb.

What are you thinking?

So as I post my silliness, I hope that maybe it will inspire someone to create more meals at home. I find that this really saves me money.

If you ever have any grand ideas, I would love to hear from them.

Now get out there and get that week going...one step in front of the other...


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